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welcomes you in vicenza

The experience at VICENZAORO continues beyond the working day. Visit the city of Vicenza, admire the beauty of Palladian architecture, take part in the cultural events organized in conjunction with Vicenzaoro and enjoy some shopping in the best shops of the town center. Finally conclude the evening in one of the local and characteristic restaurants of the area, to discover the Vicenza’s culinary excellence. VICENZAORO Italian Experience is a real 360 ° experience among gold, beauty, culture and all the taste of the best Italian tradition.

EasyVi, the new portal that makes it easier to “live”, visit and discover the most beautiful places in the province of Vicenza created by Confcommercio Vicenza in synergy with the Municipality of Vicenza and Italian Exhibition Group.

An address to have all the information at your hand: itineraries, useful addresses, ways to visit museums and monuments, shopping places, suggestions on where to eat or sleep and much more.

Discover an exclusive selection of bars, restaurants, shops and itineraries in the area.

Where to eat

The Veneto region is famous for its architecture, art and history, from the Basilica Palladiana in Vicenza to the Arena in Verona and the Torre della Specola in Padua.
But the gastronomic offer within the territory is just as rich with traditional dishes like 'baccalà alla Vicentina' stockfish and bigoli in duck sauce, slow food presidiums like the Paduan hen and rice from Grumulo delle Abbaddesse, and creative and innovative proposals from our chefs, who are constantly in search of new flavours.
Last but not least, is the area's wine production: the Veneto is, in fact, Italy's top wine producer with over 75,000 hectares of vineyards.

Where to shop

Tradition and taste, design and luxury: Vicenza is not just the City of Palladio but also an ideal location for a day dedicated to discovering the most extraordinary local artisan products and places where art and fashion reign absolute.
Among flavours, know-how, local products, wine and food, modernity, fashion and art, here is our selection of perfect places to do your shopping in and around Vicenza, without forgetting nearby Verona and Padua, the wonderful Valdobbiadene area and the Asiago Uplands.
Are you an extra EU visitor? Do you want to shop in Vicenza taking advantage of the possibility of not paying 22% VAT?
Discover more
Stamperia Busato

Stamperia Busato

Incisioni e stampe a regola d’arte, da oltre 70 anni
Libreria Galla

Libreria Galla

Il piacere di leggere respirando la storia
Bottega Veneta Outlet

Bottega Veneta Outlet

Eccellenza nella pelletteria mondiale


Il mondo Momonì è sofisticato, libero e creativo
Maison Mason

Maison Mason

Entusiasmo, energia, stile e costante ricerca
La bottega di nonna papera

La bottega di nonna papera

Sapori antichi e ricette di una volta
Laura Balzelli

Laura Balzelli

Quando l’arte orafa incontra l’artigianato

Cultural Itineraries

The province of Vicenza and those of nearby Verona, Treviso and Padua, offer a multitude of opportunities for enjoyment and enrichment: from the tangible culture of famous ancient houses and Museums, to the traditions that still solidly characterize them and from the wonders of their nature to the excellence of their food and wine.
A trip or stay in these ancient lands that are so alive with history, provides the opportunity to discover some of the most famous treasures of Italy among culture, local products, mountains and artistic cities.
Asolo: la città dei cento orizzonti

Asolo: la città dei cento orizzonti

Tra arte e vista mozzafiato fino alla Laguna
Parco regionale dei Colli Euganei: boschi, vulcani e leggende

Parco regionale dei Colli Euganei: boschi, vulcani e leggende

Alla scoperta dei piccoli rilievi vulcanici di origine antica
Alla fondazione Bisazza, tra design, arte e mosaici

Alla fondazione Bisazza, tra design, arte e mosaici

La culla del mosaico in vetro votato all’arte contemporanea
Ville palladiane: la meraviglia del territorio vicentino

Ville palladiane: la meraviglia del territorio vicentino

Da Vicenza alla provincia, sulle orme di Palladio
Su e giù per Monte Berico tra sacro, profano, ville e parchi

Su e giù per Monte Berico tra sacro, profano, ville e parchi

Una passeggiata tra santuari, musei e storia
Vicenza tra palazzi antichi e vie del centro

Vicenza tra palazzi antichi e vie del centro

La culla dell’Architettura mondiale
Da Thiene a Bassano lungo la strada del Torcolato

Da Thiene a Bassano lungo la strada del Torcolato

Alla scoperta della terra del vino

Live #vicenzaoro


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